这里是退伍军人资源中心, 我们知道申请退伍军人福利可能会让人不知所措. 这正是我们在这里协助现役军人的原因, 退伍军人, 以及他们的家属申请退伍军人福利, as well as submitting the necessary documentation to get certified by our VA School Certifying Official.

教育机构, 像TCL, 不能自动确定您是否有资格获得VA福利, 因为我们无法访问现役军人或退伍军人的兵役档案. All VA-eligible students must complete and/or submit their specified required admissions documentation before our institution can report your enrollment to the U.S. 退伍军人事务部. Please read the following steps to ensure that your VA 好处 will be processed in a timely manner.


  • 联系U.S. 退伍军人事务部*: We encourage all military-affiliated students to please contact the United States 退伍军人事务部 教育 Office at 1-888-442-4551 for information pertaining to your eligibility for VA 好处.
  • 申请你的退伍军人福利: 如果符合条件,请在网上申请 http://www.va.gov/education/how-to-apply/. *请预留最多四至六周的处理时间.
    • 第30 33 35 1606章 & 1607收件人: Please print out your Certificate of Eligibility or Eligibility Information from the VA website within four to six weeks, 经美国海关处理后.S. 退伍军人事务部. 请发送此文件togibill@9vt.net.
    • 第31章: 退伍军人准备和就业计划®(原VA Voc康复)接受者在四到六周内,你将被分配到退伍军人事务部教育部门 & Career Counselor who will send the approved Vocational Rehabilitation Authorization Form (VA 28-1905) via Tungsten to TCL for certification purposes. *认证取决于您的批准日期, 因为你的辅导员可能需要向认证官员提交一份更新的VA表格28-1905.
  • Ch的转移. 9/11后.I. Bill®福利(配偶及家属): Service Members have the option to transfer their Post 9/11 好处 to their spouse and/or dependents prior to being discharged from active- duty military service via http://www.va.gov/education/transfer-post-9-11-gi-bill-benefits/. 如需帮助,请致电VA 1-888-442-4551.


  • TCL自助服务: 登录您的TCL自助服务帐户. 这个门户将帮助您查看您的TCL程序评估, 支付课程费用, 查看课程成绩, 注册课程. 有关如何访问TCL自助服务帐户的更多信息,请参见 http://ren.9vt.net/academics/registration/self-service.
  • 学术劝告: 安排一次与军方的会面 & 退伍军人 Navigator and/or Academic Advisor to help you register for classes through TCL自助服务.
  • 退伍军人证明表格: 所有G.I. Bill®收款人必须填写 可填写的退伍军人证明表格 (每个学期你都想使用你的福利) and submit this document along with your class schedule to the VA Certifying Official via email to gibill@9vt.net or visit our VA staff inside 建筑 2: Coleman Hall) and the 退伍军人资源中心 (建筑 12: MacLean Hall – Room 107).


Transient refers to any students taking courses that apply to his or her degree at more than one school. An institution that will grant the degree is the student’s “parent” school and all other schools are “secondary” or “guest.” Our VA Office at TCL can only certify transient students when we receive permission from both your home school’s 学生记录 and VA Offices. We ask that all VA-eligible students in this category complete the following steps for our office to process your VA information.

  • 获得许可: You will need to consult with your 家长 School’s Academic Advisor to obtain permission to take courses here at TCL. 他或她将为您提供一份临时表格,提交给我们的学生档案办公室.
  • 申请TCL在线: 在网上完成我们的入学申请 http://ren.9vt.net/admissions/apply/ 作为“临时”学生. 请在申请表上注明你的军事背景. 您将收到关于后续步骤的后续通知,包括如何设置您的 TCL学生邮箱 账户.
  • 课程注册: 我们的学生档案办公室将需要一份临时表格的副本, 为你注册课程, 你在哪里可以找到他们 srecords@9vt.net.
  • 提交VA家长信和资格证书: Please consult with your 家长 School’s Certifying Official and ask them to submit a VA 家长 Letter and your Certificate of Eligibility to our VA Office via gibill@9vt.net. 这些文件将授权或允许我们的办公室证明您的退伍军人福利.
  • VA认证表格: 如果你注册了课程,请填写附件 可填写的退伍军人证明表格 然后通过 gibill@9vt.net 或在2号楼内:科尔曼大厅.

财务责任/ VA学生财务期望

  • 注意你的财务问题: VA will only send tuition and fee payments directly to the school on behalf of Chapter 31 and Chapter 33 recipients. 如果你的账户上还有余额, you can make payments online on your 自助服务 账户 or inside the Cashier’s Office inside 建筑 3. 他们接受现金、支票、Visa、万事达卡或美国运通.
    • 第30、35、1606、1607章 You will still be responsible for making payments unless you are using financial aid and other sources to help cover the costs of your tuition and fees. VA will send a monthly stipend to eligible students based on your class enrollment and applicable VA Chapter. 从10月1日开始,每月的VA支付金额每年都会有所变化. 因此, we encourage you to view the VA Rate Tables for your applicable VA 教育 Benefit Chapter online at http://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill/resources/benefits_resources/rate_tables.asp.
    • 第三十一章:退伍军人的准备 & 就业计划®接受者: 你的退伍军人教育 & Career Counselor will complete and submit a voucher to the college to pay the costs of your books and supplies. Please make sure that you maintain contact with them to ensure that your information is processed and transmitted to the Cashier’s Office.
    • 第33章9/11后.I. 比尔®收件人: Please be mindful of the number of months and percentage rating that you are entitled to receiving VA 好处 as you may still owe a balance after VA sends payments to our institution. VA also does not cover any digital book costs that are also posted on your billing statement and the costs of physical hard copy textbooks and supplies, 因为你还会收到一本单独的书 & 退伍军人事务部供应津贴. 我们鼓励你分析你每学期的账单来查看你的费用. 图书津贴和住房津贴都是根据你的学期注册情况而定. 根据美国.S. 退伍军人事务部的学生每年都会收到一份书籍和用品津贴,最高可达1000美元.00根据注册人数按比例支付. VA also determines your housing allowance based on E-5 with dependents OHA Rate for our school location.
  • 学生退款: 期待退款,注册您的退款将直接存入您的银行账户通过 http://ren.9vt.net/financial-aid-tuition/tuition-fees/disbursement-checks/. 如有任何疑问,请致电843-525-8355或 businessoffice@9vt.net.


  • 添加/删除政策: 作为退伍军人事务部的接受者, all students must report any changes (drop or add classes) to your class schedule to the School Certifying Official at gibill@9vt.net 准确和及时的报告.
  • 可能的减刑情节: Students who withdraw from classes may owe a balance to both the college and/or VA unless you have VA-approved mitigating (or unfortunate) circumstances that affected your course(s) progress. 这种情况的主要例子包括:
    • 在入学期间折磨学生的疾病或伤害.
    • 学生的直系亲属患病或死亡.
    • 学生就业条件不可避免的变化.
    • 因学生就业而不可避免的地域转移.
    • Immediate family or financial obligations beyond the control of the claimant that require him or her to suspend pursuit of the program of education to obtain employment.
    • 学校取消该课程.
    • 未预料到的现役,包括现役训练.
    • Unanticipated difficulties with childcare arrangements the student have made for the period during which he or she is attending classes.
    • COVID-19限制
  • 无减轻情节: 如果你没有减轻罪责的情节, 请阅读以下内容,了解更多关于退学对您的影响.
    • 在TCL的删除/添加期间的取款: 如果你在学校的退/加期间(通常是一个学期的前30天)退学, 退课会改变你的训练时间, the VA will reduce your training time and make the pay adjustment effective on the date of your withdrawal. 这可能会或可能不会导致超额付款.
    • TCL的删除/添加期后的提款: If you withdraw after the school’s drop/add period the VA will reduce your training time on the beginning date of the term. 这通常会导致一笔相当大的多付.
    • VA六学时除外: 您的第一次提款(最多六个学分)是可以原谅的. VA会在您退出之日调整您的培训时间, 不是一直到学期开始. 这只能使用一次,你不能同时使用两次3小时的取款来玩游戏. 如果你放弃3个小时并获得排除,它就永远消失了.


  • 令人满意的进展: 所有G.I. Bill® recipients must strive to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress as defined by both TCL and VA guidelines. 根据退伍军人管理局的规定, the School Certifying Official is required to inform VA about any students who end up being placed on Academic Suspension at the end of each semester.
  • 重复的课程: 退伍军人事务部只会支付学生在第一次不及格后重修一次课程的费用. 如果你在课堂上遇到任何困难, 请立即咨询您的指导老师,并努力寻求我们的帮助 辅导中心 位于9号楼(波弗特 Mather校区)或新河校区.










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星期二 & 周四——0900-1300
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